HIIT Group Training

HIIT Group Training will consist of 2-4 people all working out together, this is a drop in group which will be on Skype. You will need to fill out a PARQ+ before entering into this group. We will do a Skype consultation so I can make sure this group will be a good fit for you.
HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training breaks down into several categories, but ultimately you will work intensely enough to get your heart rate around 85% of its max for 30 seconds to a minute and then you will get a 10-30 second break.
HIIT can be low impact or high impact, it depends on where you are intensity wise. This form of exercise pushes your body to burn the most amount of calories in a very short time. You can add weight to the exercises for added resistance, you can also add resistance bands and any other form of resistance. The longer your work phase and the shorter your rest phase the more calories you can potentially burn.
This form of exercise is not for the faint of heart mind you. Your heart rate should be around 60 beats per minute before you start this form of exercise. You will need a large enough space that you can do things like full body planks. You may want to get a resistance band, stability ball, and yoga mat.