Bowen Therapy And Foot Issues

Feet. Feet are one of those areas of the human body that put up with a lot of abuse. We walk on them daily. If your a woman chances are you will wear or do wear some REALLY uncomfortable shoes and boots which can and do cause even more foot discomfort and pushes them into a particular position.Now what happens when something happens to your feet? What happens when certain muscles, tendons and ligaments become over stretched, or atrophied from lack of proper use, or become far too tight from continuous hammering?
Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the tight "strap" that runs from your toes to your heel and connects to the Achilles tendons.Bowen Therapy releases the tension in the affected toes and the rest of the foot and the taping procedure helps to realign the toes and offers support.Bowen Therapy helps gently break up the inflammation and helps realign any misaligned areas.
Next week learn how Bowen Therapy can help alleviate menstrual pain/discomfort. If something goes wrong in your feet, other things in the rest of your body will follow. Typically your legs and knees tend to suffer next and then your hips, not necessarily in that order though. So you can see how feet are hugely important. Bowen Therapy helps shut down the inflammation. The procedure helps realign any misaligned areas, and helps relax any areas that are overally tight. The taping then further helps support the tendons and ligaments as they heal.Bunion are a build up of protective inflammation in the large toe joint. Bad fitting shoes, being genetically predisposed toward them, stress on the foot or arthritis can all cause Bunions.
Hammer Toes occur when your toes bend or curl downward instead of pointing forward. There are 2 joints in the toes that allow them to bend at the middle and bottom. When the middle joint becomes flexed or bent downward you get hammer toes. This is where problems crop up like fallen arches where the muscles that form your arches becoming weak and stretch out and your ankles roll in which puts pressure on the insides of your knees and you no longer have the proper shock absorption causing pain.
As you can see there are more ways to fix your foot issues than orthotics or foot surgery. One of the best options to permanently fix Hammer Toes is to strengthen the weak foot muscles.