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Trauma Resolution

When we experience trauma, our brains, our bodies usually get "stuck". The body reacts a certain way. Perhaps you get a headache. Or the anxiety and panic you feel is very intense. Many people hold their trauma response or stress response in their stomachs. For everyone its different.

When I first began practicing Bowen Therapy I worked on a young lady who had been in a car accident several months before. I offered to practice on her as it would hopefully benefit us both.

The first session, I have to admit I was baffled. As I worked on her and we started talking about the accident, she began to laugh. Almost uncontrollably. It also seemed like her nervous system was on fire, instead of relaxed. She got up and the energy she was putting up was amazing! She was doing the exact opposite of what I had expected. I have to admit, I was amazed. Usually, most people experience a calming and relaxing effect during a Bowen Therapy session. It's meant to relax the nervous system and let your body heal, not send your nervous system into overdrive, which is what it looked like it had done to this young lady. I explained some of the side effects she could possibly feel and she left.

The next time she came to see me, she brought a friend of hers, but it was the tale she told me of being home for the next couple of days resting that surprised me.

On her way home she began to feel very tired and a bit groggy. Which is what you would typically expect. Then she spent the next several days crying.

I have had other clients tell me similar stories. They have had big emotional releases around the same time as or in conjunction with the use of Bowen Therapy.

I myself have experienced this amazing release myself. We had moved down to the coast and my hip had really started to bother me a lot. I had tried a Chiropractor, but that had only seemed to make me feel worse. So I hunted and found a Bowen Therapist in the area who came to my home. The next day I was supposed to go to a Somatic therapist in downtown Vancouver. But I hesitated that morning and had actually considered not going. I mean, I was SO tired. And I had a 6 hour day ahead of me. 2 hours via bus and sky train. 2 hours with the therapist and then the 2-2.5 hour travel back. I remember thinking I just want to call her and reschedule. All I wanted to do was sleep. But for some reason I decided to go anyway. I packed a thing of water and dressed as comfortably as I could and left the house. That day I had one of the biggest breakthroughs and for the first time in my life I cried in front of my therapist. I actually accepted comfort from her, and I had never accepted comfort from any therapist or specialist ever. I left feeling even more exhausted then when I had arrived. But a weight I didn't even realize I had been holding was lifted from my shoulders that day and I was able to let go. Did I expect this? No. No one mentioned to me that this could happen. That I could feel like this, or that I could have some really huge "stuff" change and shift. But it did.

I believe that through Bowen Therapies removal of "stuck patterns", it's ability to release congestion and allow your nervous system to relax and allow your body to go into a healing mode, it can also help your body and your mind release stuck issues. Trauma of any sort often becomes stuck in our nervous systems because we are unable to fully express it, we are unable to fully or even partially deal with it. Depending on the type of trauma we have sustained, we go into shock. We do the "dear caught in the headlights" thing. We freeze. And usually, instead of doing something to be able to release that, express it and move through it, our mind and body learns to suppress it. This is not even sometimes contious on our part, it just is. Often times I believe it's because we are stuck in that situation so we learn to physically and emotionally adapt. Other times I believe it's because we have no idea how to express the pain, the trauma. So our bodies do the best to adapt to this excess energy and it learns to "hold it" for us.

For those of you who have worked with me, you know that I am no energy healer. I don't know much about Reiki, or Chakra's or Aura's, etc. But from my own personal experience of working through my own trauma's, I do recognize there is a form of release in terms of energy. It's really about learning and being taught how to release that energy whether positive or negative.

For further information, and webinar updates regarding tools to help heal from trauma subscribe to my Newsletter.

If you want to use Bowen Therapy to help with your trauma resolution, or to just deal with the pain you have been experiencing schedule your session at

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