Child and Baby Bowen Therapy

In the last 2 weeks or so I have been asked by a couple of clients if I work on children. The answer is yes.
Bowen Therapy is very helpful for children and babies, so I thought I would cover some of the big issues this therapy can treat.
Colic: Bowen Therapy does work on Colicky babies or infantile colic where either abdominal or respiratory discomfort is causing their distress. Bowen Therapy works on both the respiratory system in babies as well as their digestive system which causes more relaxed breathing and better digestion which of course should reduce the colic symptoms.
Blue Sclera: Apparently, a part of an infant's eye's starts off blue, but by 3 months that should go away. If it doesn't, Bowen Therapy can open up the restriction and the infant's eyes will resolve.
Slow Pupil Dilation: This can be caused by a neck restriction and sow Bowen Therapy can gently open the restriction up.
Bedwetting: As kids get older they are night trained, and eventually no more diapers are needed for night time. . .this is not always the case though. For some kids, there can be a deeper underlying issue, whether a misalignment that is preventing the proper signals from getting from their bladder to their brain is present, or the kidney function is off for some reason, or there is some sort of emotional/psychological thing happening. There can be a lot mixed in to unravel when a kid is still wetting the bed.
Bowen Therapy can help realign and help the brain and nerves send proper signals again.
If there is an emotional aspect, then of course that needs attention as well. And diet is always worth taking a look at. Certain allergies can actually cause hormonal fluctuations and inflammation that can cut off certain signals.
Anxiety, or nervousness: Bowen Therapy has a very calming effect on most people and children alike so it could help to calm down the anxiety and possible tummy upset that usually accompanies that.
Childhood Asthma: It's a thing, I wish it weren't, but it is. There is a way for Bowen Therapy to help this problem. Although, in my currently limited knowledge, I have found that the initial work does cause some pretty intense Asthma reactions and therefore tends to freak parents out. Now, of course, that is not a reason to prevent treatment, but that was the experience I had with the first child I worked on.