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Ileocecal Valve Inflammation Can Cause...

If your Ileocecal Valve is Inflammed or blocked open, it can cause plenty of problems:

  • Headaches;

  • Shoulder pain, typically right;

  • Low back pain;

  • Sudden thirst;

  • Indigestion, gas and bloating;

  • Bowel disturbances (constipation/diarrhea)

  • Fatigue;

  • Allergies;

  • Bad breath;

  • Tinnitus/ringing in the ears;

  • Fibromyalgia;

  • Abdominal pain usually on the lower right;

  • Dark circles under eyes;

  • Flu-like symptoms;

  • Acne;

  • Weakened immune function;

  • Pseudo bursitis/Swelling in joints

According to this can actually be brought on by how and what you eat. Everything from being dehydrated, being emotionally distraught as well as consuming caffeine, alcohol and overloading your diet with spicy foods. They go into deeper detail in their blog post, which I will link below.

According to a study done by the World Journal of Gastroenterology, 80% of people with IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome have SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. This makes sense if the valve between the large intestine and the small intestine is stuck open, allowing fecal bacteria to escape into your large intestine where it shouldn't be.

If you have any of these symptoms, or you suspect you are having issues with your Ileocecal Valve don't hesitate to make an appointment today. Bowen Therapy can offer very fast and effective relief.




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